Friday, May 1, 2015

Called Back From Glory

This is a reprint of my very first blog on Salt & Light ....

Recently, while teaching my Sunday school class regarding the resurrection of Lazarus, I came across that verse from John; you know the shortest verse in the Bible, “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35). We talked fervently about how this demonstrated the humanity of Jesus, how He had lost one of his closest friends, suddenly and tragically. We read how He put off going to see Lazarus and healing him prior to death, just so God the Heavenly Father might receive greater glory through the obedience of His Son. We felt the pain and loss that Jesus felt as he talked with the sisters, Martha and Mary. We understood the feelings of remorse and loss for words that often are prevalent in this type of situation….could He have done more; what could He say to ease their suffering; how could He make this better? All these emotions, struggling to break free and express the deep sorrow and anguish that welled up in this carpenter from Galilee ….. It’s no wonder that Jesus wept.

But upon closer examination, maybe there’s more to this little verse that reveals the divinity of our Lord. Scripture says. “When Jesus saw her weeping, and those with her, he was deeply moved in His spirit and greatly troubled. And he said, Where have you laid him? They said to him, Lord, come and see. JESUS WEPT!” (John 11:33-35)

Jesus was in route to the tomb when He began to weep, his spirit was deeply troubled because He knew what was about to happen. He was going to pray to the Father to return Lazarus to earth ….his friend, who at that very moment had been in the very bosom of the Father for four days, was about to be called back from glory.
Jesus knew exactly what that meant.
Lazarus had come to know His Savior as his closest, most personal friend and in his death, he had gone home to glory…..and Jesus knew GLORY!!!!! He was the Creator and He, himself, had taken on the garment of mankind and had come to earth from His Heavenly Father. Now, His prayer would petition the Father to return Lazarus to this sinful, wretched world …to give up what we each long so desperately to acquire…our home in heaven.
To me, it is no small wonder that Jesus wept….He alone knew what Lazarus was about to forfeit when God answered His prayer. Those tears that fell from the face of God wanted to leave Lazarus at peace; fulfilled and save in the arms of God; but, Jesus knew that this miracle would lead many to faith in Him. And so He did what was required ….He called Lazarus back from GLORY…..and He wept!
Shedding tears for the lost…longing for glory,
Poem for the day....

The day is approaching quickly
As Heaven doors swing open wide;
For all who've called on Jesus
They will gather and once inside....

We'll sing together in one chorus
Shout our praises to our King,
As loud Hallelujahs echo
And the angels join to sing...

As we gather in the Throne Room
To sit at the Master's feet...
Nothing will be more precious 
No, nothing could be so sweet....

But to look in the eyes of my Savior
Finally home in eternal rest;
Forever we will reign with Jesus
Forever His ....Forever Blessed!!!!

WPQ @ JULY 2018

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